Claim Your Spot In One of the Best Kept Secret Powerhouse Platforms.


If you’re a business owner, entrepreneur, coach, consultant, program developer, educator.

If you simply want to know how to use Pinterest in your business.

If you want to know how to turn your time spent online into focused activities that deliver incredible results.

If you’ve heard that Pinterest marketing is the way to go but you just don’t quite know what it is.

If the thought of learning how to use Pinterest to make more money has crossed your mind but you haven’t touched your boards in months.

If you’ve tried using hashtags in your descriptions but didn’t see any traction,If you’re ready to use Pinterest analytics to its fullest then.

There’s a lot of “guru” talk about using the Pinterest app to grow your business, sell more products, and drive more traffic. While it all sounds GREAT, when it comes to truly mastering and leveraging Pinterest marketing, there’s a vital missing element.


In a way that makes the most sense, doesn’t waste valuable time, and actually delivers organic results.


Maggie Lamarre, Chief Thought Innovator, and Pinterest Visual Marketing Strategist

I’m the strategist who trains the trainers, social media strategists, marketers, and the “gurus” out there who need to deliver impact and results for their clientele.

I streamline the processes marketers use to get their deepest most sustainable results. For over 22 years, I have been in the marketing field playing an integral role in the success of many brands you see every day.

I’ve traveled to different parts of the globe and trained well over a thousand businesses on how to increase both their exposure and stretch their marketing dollars.

At Cascade Avenue,we are a creative agency focused on helping you generate more leads and customers by using the power of Visual Marketing

Cheers, to your success!

Pinterest Visual Marketing Coaching
Pinterest Visual Marketing Coaching

How do you know if the Pinterest Visual Marketing Program is the right fit for you?

This is for you only if you…

  • Are looking to strategically maximize your results with a Pinterest business account and get the most for your efforts

This is for you if you…

  • Want to see your Pinterest pin create cash flow

This is for you if you…

  • Are ready to leverage everything Pinterest has to offer, Including ads!

If you can say “YES” to the above, then you are on the right path!

Here’s what you’re going to learn:

  • How to use Pinterest to create your best credibility and visibility
  • How to position yourself to cash in on the biggest sales day online
  • How to create dynamic content to drive more traffic to your offers

Are YOU Getting the Most Out of Pinterest!?


By the way… 3 out of 5 pins are resulted in a purchase. Big brands are using Pinterest, YOU should too, I show you how! When You Know How to Use Pinterest, You Put that Part of the Conversation on Autopilot and Realize You Have the Power to Make a TON of AMAZING Things Happen!!

“I have been a director with my company and have been struggling to retain my directorship upon losing 2 of my downlines that have become directors themselves. I now have a clear plan on increasing my sales and recruiting. The workbook has given me a clear path of what I need to accomplish..”

Alicia Kaiser

Diamond~Network Marketing

There’s a growing number of professionals who are recognizing the power of digital media and starting to realize that they should be on Pinterest, but just don’t know how to make it relevant to their bottom line.

I created the Pinterest Visual Marketing Program not only to tell you WHAT to do but to SHOW you HOW to achieve success with it.
I’ve helped many professionals such as yourself and I would like to help you achieve success as well.

With all the power Pinterest has to offer such as driving laser-targeted traffic to your website or sales page, you have to admit that it’s pretty crazy NOT to use this free platform to dominate your industry!


Want more SALES?



Then you’d better take a closer look at Pinterest…

Pinterest is popular, produces higher price points and reportedly creates more buyers than Social Media platforms…

Did you know…

47% of US Shoppers!

A whopping 47% of USA online shoppers have bought something as a direct result of a Pinterest recommendation.

Traffic that converts!

Buyers from Pinterest who land on your site are the most likely to actually complete their transactions 10% more to be exact, than shoppers coming in from social media platforms.

Traffic that converts! Pinterest visual Marketing
Pinterest visual marketing coaching

An average of $140-$180!

Pinterest shoppers aren’t afraid to drop serious coin,they average more per checkout between $140-$180 per order compare to Facebook or Twitter shoppers who spends between $60-80 per order on average. (Source: Rich Relevance)

Module 1

Step-by-step video guide with an in-depth walk through of each and every topic
Never play the guessing game again on what your buyers are seeking and buying

Leverage the CAM™ Setting System

  • Save thousands of dollars on research! You just have to know what you’re looking for… and I will show you!
  • All of this to say you should be turning Pinterest into your executive secretary, delivering to you laser-targeted intel on your industry.
  • Follow the CAM™ Dash Protocol
  • Grasp the concept of real curation that pays in time and money
  • Discover core practices big brands use to get results using Pinterest
  • We’ve all heard “A picture’s worth 1,000 words” and you know by now that our motto is “A picture is worth $1,000.”
  • Understand how words and images work together to generate cash flow and how you can leverage that understanding in your business.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg. We’ve got:

  • Keyword training
  • CAM™ Stealth Broadcasting & Branding
  • How to be the topic of your marketplace’s conversation
  • What the CAM™ Positioning Process entails
  • The BMHF Elements of Design™ for your board
  • The key methodology to delivering a clear story to your marketplace

You know the saying:

“Facts tell…Stories sell.” On Pinterest “Inspiration Sell”

It’s true. And as you gain expertise in selling your story using the Pinterest Marketing platform, your fans will see you in a vibrant new light.

We cover all that and over a dozen more business building “how to’s”  in module 1 alone.

“The Pinterest Visual Marketing Program isn’t a cookie cutter program like many of the others in the marketplace right now. This is not a fad or yo-yo diet style program. It’s a clear, simple, and creative program that will get you to stop thinking inside the “board” and bring it to life. This program helps you make your own Pinterest a place to visit like a perfect vacation spot.

Kyria Kalata

Get a Life Too-Coach

Module 2

Discover Pinterest’s Pinning Profit Maximizers

  • Take advantage of the fact that Pinterest by far produces more high ticket sales than any other platform online. When used properly, it’s a sales magnet.
  • Master my LPM™ – Lamarre Placement Method™
  • Learn the science of the ‘repin’ and what you want to avoid even though all the gurus are telling you to do just the opposite.
  • This little secret will stop the cash that would otherwise be slipping through your fingers. [It’s so obvious that I still can’t figure out why they haven’t been teaching this.] Can you hear the ching ching…

Get major clarity on ‘What Not To Do’ on Pinterest

  • Overlook this and you could end up losing your account, and damaging your brand. Let me take you by the hand and show you how to create your presence in less than half the time and with half the energy.


Module 3

It’s all about leverage…

Here’s where I show you, like the young business moguls in the picture above, how to invite the right influencers to your party and leverage other platforms through Pinterest.

  • Not many entrepreneurs understand WHY Pinterest is such a goldmine or HOW its search feature is a sleeping giant for the masses. You will though.
  • Learn the whys behind creating secret boards as well as how to use secret boards better than the CIA.
  • How to engage on the Pinterest (it’s not what you think)
  • How to create dynamic content by doing less work with videos
  • Learn what you should be looking at with contest relating to Pinterest

I tell you there’s so much more to cover, but you get the point…

Module 4

How-to Holidays with Pinterest

  • How to create your own Christmas Market (using Pinterest) to entice buying opportunities.  [Hint* Last year Pinterest did a record $11 BILLION… IN ONE DAY!!!] <- Shouldn’t you be a part of that?

Let’s talk about moving media

  • I show you the power of video on Pinterest, specifically how to create a video gallery like Netflix in order to move sales.

I could literally go on. There’s so much! Like:

  • How to launch components at the right time to get the best sales and traction in your marketplace to build mailing lists quickly
  • Collaborations
  • Security measures
  • Maintenance

Here's what's inside

How to optimize your boards for SEO and Google Rankings for a MAJOR traffic boost

Insiders tips and tricks for building a cohesive and compelling brand story on Pinterest

How to get your visual content in front of YOUR right people (read: high-end clients who are gonna fall in LOVE with you)

My top-secret strategies for analyzing your Pinterest notifications to your advantage

Pinterest Visual Marketing

Free- Resource-Library


IFTTT automation 48 hour bonus

Promote and fill your event better than Ticketmaster using Pinterest

How to sell on Pinterest (New Feature)

Promoted  pins on Pinterest  and not lose money

Blogging & Monetize

Pinterest  How To Make Money with Affiliates

No more scouring Google for little bits of information here and there that either don’t work at all or are so basic you can’t figure out how to implement them in your business. NO MORE GUESSING  read: randomly pinning images from around the web and trying fruitlessly to figure out what works and what doesn’t.

Maggie Lamarre

Pinterest Strategist

MaggieLamarre Force of Nature topics (1)

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